Digitalpersona personal 4.11.3826
Digitalpersona personal 4.11.3826

Digitalpersona personal 4.11.3826 Digitalpersona personal 4.11.3826

I also tried to contact Digital Persona about the issue online, I had no great success however. However I would no longer have windows 7 which I've already paid for. The only way (at least AFAIK), I was able to successfully use this disc would be to reinstall vista and then reinstall the driver and application recovery disk. I think the recovery disk does not work because it was made for windows vista. Previously, I tried unistalling digital persona completely and reinstall it from the driver and application recovery disk.

Digitalpersona personal 4.11.3826

Reinstall it using the recovery of applications and drivers disk provided with your system. » However, after my computer restarted, a message appeared and said: "the fingerprint reader could not be detected. I followed the instructions for part A on install fingerprint driver digital validity and the DigitalPersona Personal software. The icon for the fingerprint reader has 'x' on it which indicates that the drive is not detected. Currently, I have the latest version of the software for the installed fingerprint () reader. The fingerprint reader is not detected. I tried to uninstall, reinstall and update the drivers. After the upgrade the integrated digital persona fingerprint reader is no longer in effect. It came with windows vista x 64 and I have upgraded to windows 7 x 64.

Digitalpersona personal 4.11.3826