Add ability to include logos and images to Themes.Added properties to adjust vertical and horizontal text spacing in annotations.

Added new Block Text style for annotations.Expanded number of customizable product hotkeys and shortcuts.Added new mouse cursor effect to smooth out cursor movements.Added ability to automatically adjust audio levels with defined Loudness Units Full Scale (LUFS) normalization.A version 7 project would have to upgraded in version 8 first, than 9, then 2018 and lastly 2019.ģ0 April, 2019: Camtasia (Windows) 2019.0.0 The mundane and frustrating process of leapfrogging a project through versions upgrade it to the latest one was insane. How did TechSmith not include this as a new feature in the release notes? To share the the video template, see Share a Video Template.Ha, I just upgraded a Camtasia 8 project file in 2019 without a problem. To save the project as a template, select File > Save Project as Template.Add other desired enhancements in the project on the timeline or canvas.In the Properties panel, enter a title and a note to instruct video creators on the type of content or media specifications for replacing the clip.